Gettin' Organized

I don't know if the "nesting" syndrome has kicked in, now that I'm 6 months along in my pregnancy, or if it's the fact we'll be moving into our home that is being built in November, or just that I simply need to get organized, but I've been busy! I have so much stuff for crafting that has been laying around in my guest room and master walk-in closets for too long, in an unorganized mess and I've had enough!

It seems that every time I have had a craft project, I would throw all the craft making supplies into a Michael's or Hobby Lobby bag, stash it on a shelf, and forget about it, until I need something from that bag.  Well no more! {At least I'm gonna try to make it no more!}

Last summer I became enamored with mason jars and other glass vessels, and I found they are perfect for storing items, especially so they can easily be seen without opening up the jars.  I started shopping around for mason jars, and they can be quite pricey, especially the antique kind found at vintage shops.  So I began looking at dollar stores for glass jars, and various other outlets.  I must say the dollar stores are phenomenal for finding glassware, gift wrap and tea towels, and I love to go and gobble up what I see.

So, I began organizing my crafting supplies into jars, and I got hooked.  It looks so much better to organize this way.  Baskets are another favorite vessel for storing items, like scrapbook paper, fabrics, etc.  I jump at the opportunity when they go on sale at Michael's.  Those baskets are pricey as well, but every now and then they are way discounted, so good quality baskets + super savings = major win! I know I'm not alone here...

Here are some examples of how I've been organizing this week!

One of my favorite organizers is the traveling make up bag kit! It works great to keep scissors, craft knives, tapes, adhesives, paint brushes, etc. all in one spot! I don't travel like I used to back in the airline sales days, and rather than toss the little travel bag, I finally organized the tools that normally go into gift wrapping.  During the holidays my biggest problems were that I could never find the scissors or the tape, somehow they were always separated.  Now they are all in one spot, easy to access, where they are to stay and be returned.  Plus, this little bag hangs, so it's up off the floors and shelves from little hands, and it just plane looks nice.  

Wire hangers are a major no no for hanging clothes on anymore, they just don't cut it.  So, I turned the wire hangers I had about the house into hangers for all sorts of ribbon spools.  They work perfectly! As with the scissors and tape never being where they should, same thing went with the ribbons.  If I couldn't find the ribbons, I would run to get some more, and later realize I had the same kind, just stashed deep somewhere in the confines of my closet.  Being hung and organized by ribbon type on the hangers, they are all there to be easily seen, and used.  Now, one day, I will make/find a rather eloquent way to store ribbon, but for now, this is what I have, and it works perfectly for my needs.  

Storing wrapping paper roles have always been a major chore for me.  I thought I was doing justice by storing the roles in large gift bags I received for whatever occasion.  After time and much wear, those bags would rip, and the roles wouldn't stand up alone in them any longer.  Well, I found a solution, a cheap trash bin from the dollar store! I found the one pictured above, and chose it do to its height.  It's tall enough to balance against the weight of the roles.  

For the time being, this is as good as it's going to get for organizing and storing crafting supplies.  Once we move into our new home in November, I'll have a everything for crafting and gift wrapping in one confined space, a hobby/crafting room, and it'll be fabulous!

Do you have any tricks to store your crafting supplies? Please share! :)

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